Here, one of my new favorites, John Mark McMillan, talks about this issue. Sure, there are people who play guitar, and have nice voices, but make lifeless songs. When I first listened to McMillan I wrote in my moleskine notebook, "John Mark McMillan is a real person." There is a story behind his voice and his eyes that can't be overlooked, like the commonalities that we each miss every day.
"I read an interview with Bob Dylan a while back where he was asked about songwriting. Dylan's immediate response was "the world has enough songs". He said the world doesn't need any more songs "but a person who has something to say, that's a different story".
Ultimately, I really don't care about your technique or your usage of metaphor. I don't care about your ability to communicate emotion with a melody. I, and the world, don't really care about your songs unless we, at least, feel like you have something to say."
-John Mark McMillan
Listen to his music here and check out his blog on my side bar.
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